Jumat, 01 Agustus 2014

since the 1970's and planted around the coast

since the 1970's and planted around the coast of the Java Sea. In its development until the end of 2010 the total area of ​​the district budget in Tegal reached about 400 ha. Increased acreage triggered by the opening of the marketing potential that was once only for the jasmine tea factory and traditional markets opening up export markets jasmine to Singapore, Malaysia, HATIPOKER Agen Judi Poker Dan Domino Online Terpercaya Uang Asli Indonesia Thailand, and India since the 1990s. . Thailand and India are the actual manufacturers of jasmine as well, but the production of these two countries are not stable because of the climate so much influenced by imports from Indonesia. While Indonesia can produce continuously jasmine although production fluctuations.
By making use of unproductive land such as coastal, riverside, also moor. Jasmine productivity can reach 618 kg / ha (sample of one of the farmers). With the average price reached Rp. 13,000 / kg (2010 data).
July 26, 2011 Leave a comment
by ktpj in Uncategorized
Jasmine harvest is done in the morning between the hours of 05:30 to 11:00 hours depending on the day's production. Harvesting is done by selecting the appropriate quality jasmine and specifications provided by customers. By using hands and performed by women. Jasmine harvest is done by picking flowers that have white jasmine and still buds. This is because the jasmine flowers are sold in the market are still buds. Jasmine harvest is done every day.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) jasmine harvest:
1 Choose flowers that are in accordance with the specifications and quality provided by customers.
2 Harvesting is done in the morning or afternoon.
Plants begin harvest jasmine 3 / flowering from age 6 months to 5 years.
4 Productivity jasmine usually for 3 months, after which the reduced harvest and the highest harvest for 1-2 weeks.
5 Production jasmine usually highest early in the rainy season between the months of November, December, and January each year.
6 Picking by hand

HATIPOKER Agen Judi Poker Dan Domino Online Terpercaya Uang Asli Indonesia Birds kacer is one type of bird that much demand. This is because the booms beautiful, contrasting fur colors and easy care. But there is one problem that often arises, namely: mbedhesi / mbagong / sea horse.
How to Take Care Kacer Bird

Here tips2 to overcome.
Mbagong / mbedhesi / nangkur / sea horse etc that term for a type of disease kacer. Kacer shape like sea horse, fur standing (shudder) accompanied by the sound of "ter ... Ter ... ter ..." of this nature would normally appear if kacer see the opponent, heard the sound of another bird, and so on.
Most kacer cumbersome and it can not be denied because of the innate nature. Dare assure dah kacer bird of nice things on the field competition is not cumbersome but a cursory weve tried daily ihat he should have the opportunity to cumbersome, cuman the most important is the care and locking in the field to be extra tight.
Bird cumbersome kacer there are various causes:

HATIPOKER Agen Judi Poker Dan Domino Online Terpercaya Uang Asli Indonesia * Innate aspect: There are birds in terms of innate weve already often cumbersome, so this bird has no hope for a race or for a polished again, because it will not reap good results. Suggestion selling it to the market.

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